Sunday, June 16, 2024

Upper East Side Construction 2


The construction continues in the neighborhood.

Sad to say, I don’t see it wrapping up any time soon. 

And next week we are due to have our first heat wave.  It won’t be pretty. 

Luckily a cottage industry has sprung up supplying the construction workers in the neighborhood with food and drinks.

Here’s a building wrapping up on the outside. 

But then they still have to add electric and plumbing and walls. 

Well, if you watch HGTV you know. 

These two buildings are practically on top of each other – with a holdout in between.  I am sure that there is an interesting story there.

I am pleased to report that when the crane on York Avenue left it did not wake me. 

So, we’re making progress.

Here’s the previous blog…




© 2024 PJ Lehrer

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