Sunday, July 21, 2024

Ken & Jeanne went to Europe!


I don’t do as much traveling these days as I used to. 

But I have thoroughly embraced my new role as an armchair traveler,

so I was delighted when my brother and his wife went to Europe for me in May.

Their trip included Budapest, Prague and Vienna. 

 I did visit Budapest once, but that was in 1977 so it’s been a while.

Ken reports that the highlight from his time there was a visit to the baths.  With hot and cold plunging baths they felt like Romans.

In Prague they visited the clock of course. 

And enjoyed the bridge and castles.  It’s such a picturesque city.

In Vienna they took in the lovely architecture including the Opera House and the Old Stock Exchange, and were treated to some concerts. 

And they picked up some Pez.

Fun fact: Pez was invented in Vienna in 1927 by Eduard Haas III as an alternative to smoking.   Who knew?

 They didn’t take in a performance of the dancing horses, but they did see one in a walk-by.

The trip also included Bratislava, Slovakia

and Handlova, Slovakia – a pretty walled town; recently the site of a failed assassination attempt of their Prime Minister – Robert Fico.

And they saw both a beautiful old synagogue

and the Holocaust Memorial in Bratislava - sad reminders of the fact that not all our relatives survived.

Clearly, they had a great trip, since they are already planning the next one. 

 I can’t wait to see where we go next. 😊


Here’s a blog with pics from their trip to Middle-Earth…





© 2024 PJ Lehrer

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