Sunday, December 28, 2014

Saks Fifth Avenue: Christmas 2014

Since it was fairly warm on the morning of December 25, 

 I thought I'd head out to take some photos of this year's holiday decorations.  


While the tree and the set up at Rockefeller Center look pretty much the same every year, 

the retail stores try to one up themselves and each other every year.  

So, the results are pretty spectacular.

I headed over to Saks to check out their windows,

only to discover that because it had become sunny, there was a tremendous amount of glare. 

But, I realized when I looked closer that the reflections were pretty interesting too.  So I went with it.

In the end I took so many fabulous photos that I am simply blown away.  

Hopefully you will be too!

Please follow me at pjlehrer on Instagram, where I will be posting a daily image.


(c) 2014 PJ Lehrer