Sunday, February 26, 2017

Today I Am A Muslim Rally - 2/19/17

I went to my first rally last week.  
Since I was born in 1960, I watched the rallies and marches of the 60's and 70's on tv, rather than attending in person. 
But since Trump took office in January, protests in Manhattan have been taking place almost daily. 
In fact, the media has started to note upcoming events. 
But in true NYC fashion, they are listed under "Gridlock Alerts."
 The theme of this particular rally spoke to me, so I thought I would check it out. 
As I had hoped the vibe was good and helped to reassure me that there are some people in this country who still care about other people 
and that democracy is not dead yet. 
Long live the resistance! 
(Boy does that blow my mind.)

(c) 2017 PJ Lehrer