Sunday, November 24, 2019

UN 5

It's always a bit of a challenge shooting at the UN.  

You want to go on a windy day so that the flags will be doing their thing.  

But you can't control the wind gusts.  

So it pretty much amounts to having enough patience to catch your moment, 
or maybe buying a better camera. ;-)   

But those cameras are so big and heavy I have chosen to stay light and simply shoot enough shots that I get some interesting ones.  

It's easy enough when you only post 10 at a time. :-)  

I have gotten a new camera since I took these shots so I will probably head over again when it warms up to see what I can do with it.  

I'm thinking I might try the panorama shape.  

I could fit in more flags.

Here are some previous UN blogs...


(c) 2019 PJ Lehrer