Sunday, March 1, 2020

San Diego Zoo 2

As promised here is a second set of pics from the San Diego Zoo.  

For me the most surprising thing about the zoo was its size.  

I thought it would be bigger.  

We basically covered the entire park in two hours allowing plenty of time for photographs.  

On the other hand, when we visited the Bronx Zoo we lasted longer (we were younger then) 

but still skipped an entire continent because we ran out of time and steam.  

So I looked it up.  And the San Diego Zoo is 100 acres while the Bronx Zoo is 265 acres.  

That means at the San Diego Zoo, for some species they only have token animals.  

The one zebra in San Diego looked very lonely.  

Interestingly enough, my favorite animal sighting in San Diego wasn't at the zoo at all.  It was in La Jolla Cove where the seals and sea lions were frolicking and love was in the air.

Here's the previous San Diego Zoo blog...


(c) 2020 PJ Lehrer


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