Sunday, May 2, 2021

Riverside Park


A couple of years ago, I saw a photograph of Riverside Park in the spring.  

It looked like they had some pretty flowering trees so I made a note to check it out at some point.  

This year I did.  

It was even prettier than I had anticipated.  

With some views of the water, 

and others of the surrounding buildings.  

It has a lovely selection of flowering trees so it's pretty for several weeks.  

At this point it's mostly about the crabapples.  

But the Kanzan cherries are peaking too.  

Since the weather has been on the cool side this year, all the trees have been maintaining their flowers longer than usual, making it a particularly lovely year to visit.  Hurry and you might still catch them.




(c) 2021 PJ Lehrer










1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy all of your postings, especially the old family photos. But the nature pix also deserve high praise!
