We get lots of visits from the fire department in our
Usually I hear the sirens stop in front of the building so I
know that they are there.
But they surprised me on Friday.
I only realized they were there when I looked out the window
and saw a ladder. I imagine this woman was even more surprised than I was.
I never saw any flames.
Just some smoke on the roof. But
I did see that a hose was in action, so clearly some water had been applied.
Meanwhile though, more and more fire trucks and support
vehicles kept arriving – even one whose role was to hand out beverages and
snacks to firefighters in warm weather.
What an excellent idea.
In the end, the fire trucks topped out at eleven. It was our biggest turnout ever.
But there were no bodies in the stretchers when they exited the building, so that was good news.
And, on that happy note, the guys rolled up their hose and
departed. Until next time. 😉
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