Sunday, August 25, 2024

Coney Island Sand Sculpture Contest – 2024


It’s been a while since I last checked out the sand sculpture contest at Coney Island, so I made a note of it on my calendar this year. 

Then I kept my fingers crossed for good weather.

As it turned out the weather was ok. 

But the forecast called for rain, and we did have a few sprinkles, so that probably cut down turnout a bit.

Luckily though there wasn’t a downpour until dusk.  Sadly, it probably destroyed everyone’s hard work.

They always invite a couple of pros and give them a front row seat, to make sure fans have something to see.

But families get into the act too.

I had to tease this guy who sat there the entire time watching his girlfriend do all the work.  But I guess it never hurts to bring along a fan for encouragement.

This was the only castle I spotted.

I think this was a sea gull in progress – Jonathan Livingston I presume. 😊 

Needless to say, a good time was had by all.

Here’s some other blogs from Coney Island…




© 2024 PJ Lehrer


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