Sunday, August 4, 2024

My brother’s Lego


My brother Ken and I were Lego kids. 

I am a free form user.  This is my last build – a condo with a rocking backyard created with my great nephew Spencer.

My brother on the other hand likes sets.

He has built so many now that he has a Lego room.  How cool is that?

Some of the sets are of specific places – like the Taj Mahal

and the London Bridge.

There are a couple of castles of course.

And a roller coaster.

But mostly there are streets of adorable buildings with cool little details. Checkout the fire hydrant. 😉

You could spend hours just looking at them.

But who has the patience for that – never mind actually building them in the first place?

Not to mention the fact that if I tried, I would probably manage to lose some of the key pieces along the way.

So, hats off to Ken.  (This is his current project.)

May he live long and build more, because you can never have too much Lego!!!

Here are some previous Lego blogs…





© 2024 PJ Lehrer

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